Developing in-depth characters

People can be complex creatures.

We often come with conflicting qualities and desires, and despite reading books, taking courses, and even seeking therapy to understand our psyche, we can still remain a mystery, both to each other and to ourselves.

If self-knowledge is like a river that has no end, how can we go about constructing in-depth, complex characters?

There are many ways of going about this. In fact, I recently wrote a couple of blogs on this subject, ‘writing characters using the Big Five Model’ and ‘writing characters using personality theory’. Both articles talk about using psychological theories to help develop characters.

Another approach is to start with broad personality brushstrokes.

In other words, get the basics down first before going deeper into the character.

This include things such as:

Identifying features

This is basic stuff about them such as age, location, occupation, gender, and general appearance.


No one is completely good or bad. We’re all a mixture.

List their major strengths and weaknesses.

Distinctive features

Does anything stand out about this character in looks, personality, or both?

For example, do they have a high, squeaky voice? Do they have a shy, anxious manner or are they brimming with self-confidence?

Are they particularly tall or short? Do they have good posture, or do they slouch? How do they speak?

Past history

Summarize their past. Does it affect their present and how they relate to others in any way?

What are their main beliefs and values?

Do these get tried and tested throughout the story? Do they change in any way?

Realistic characters are changeable in their beliefs and attitudes.


What are the goals of your character? What do they want out of life? What are their major and minor goals?

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

– Carl Jung

Now we’ve got the basics out of the way, let’s start digging deeper.

A list of in-depth questions to ask when constructing your character

This is a rather long list, and you certainly don’t have to use all of these questions when constructing your character, just go with the questions that appeal to you.


Approximate age character appears
Real age
Approximate weight
Face shape
Skin type/tone – are there any distinguishing marks?
Are there any predominant features that stand out in the face/body?
Hair type/style/colour
Are there any distinguishing features in the voice? For example, is it deep, raspy, squeaky?
How attractive is the character? What are their attractive features? Unattractive features?
Usual style of dress. Is there a favourite outfit?
Do they wear jewellery or accessories?
Do they have any nervous tics?
What is their usual body posture?
Do they have any mannerisms/particular facial expressions/ peculiarities?

Background and current status

Past education. What kind of student were they? Average/poor/bright?
If there has been little education, are they naturally bright?
Country/city/town they were born in
Country/city/town they live in now
Who did they live with in their childhoods? Who do they live with now?
Type of childhood they had
First memory/most important childhood memory and why
Any childhood heroes?
Do they have a dream job? What is their current occupation?
What are their finances like? Are they poor/have an average income/are rich?
What is their social status?
What is their relationship status?

Entertainment stuff/what they like to do

Do they have a favourite colour? Least favourite colour?
What music do they like? Do they play a musical instrument?
What sort of food do they eat? What are their favourite foods?
Do they like books? Are they a big reader?
What is their usual form of entertainment?
What is their usual mode of transportation?
Do they have a prized possession?
What are their hobbies?
How would they spend a rainy day?
Do they smoke? Drink? Do drugs?
What do they do too much of? Too little of?
What are they good at? Bad at?
What are their talents?
Are they creative?
What are their spending habits like?
Do they play a sport?
What are their habits?
Do they have any pets? Are they an animal lover?
Do they follow a religion? Are they very spiritual?
Are they messy or neat?
Do they prefer working or do they prefer having fun and/or relaxing?


Mother/mother figure/relationship with her. Were they absent, physically or emotionally?
Father/father figure/relationship with him. Were they absent, physically or emotionally?
Siblings. Relationship with them. Any conflicts?
Do they have any children? What is their relationship with them?
Are there any other important family members?

Other relationships

Do they have strong opinions about certain types of people?
Do they hide their true opinions and emotions from other people?
Are they a loner?
Who do they dislike the most?
Who are their closest friends? Do they have a best friend?
Do they have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Are they affectionate or are they reserved?
What type of sex drive do they have?
What are they like in conversation?
How do they behave around others?
Who do they go to for advice?
Do they feel responsible for anyone?
Is there anyone they feel shy or awkward around?
Is there someone they openly admire?
Is there someone they secretly admire?
Do any relationships change with the character during the course of your story? Why? How does that affect the character and the story?


What are their good personality traits?
What are their bad personality traits?
Do they have any psychological issues? What are they?
What mood are they most often in?
What is their sense of humour like?
What is their greatest fear and why?
Are they anxious or are they laid-back?
Are they a worrier?
Are they grounded?
What single event would cause them the most turmoil?
Are they an optimist or are they a pessimist?
Are they introverted or are they extraverted?
Are they a thrill seeker or are they cautious?
Are they logical or are they emotional?
Do they look at the deeper meaning of things, or do they take things at face value?
Are they confident or are they unsure of themselves?
What do they think about themselves?
If they could describe themselves in one word, what would that word be?
If they could describe themselves in one paragraph, what would that paragraph say?
What do they think their best trait is? Their worst trait?
What do they think their best physical feature is? Their worst physical feature?
How do they think others perceive them?
What would they most like to change about themselves?

Minor characters

Don’t go in-depth for minor characters!

Summarise each of the minor characters in one paragraph, detailing the main points that stand out about them.

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